"Red Carpet Photos"
This is a start! I will keep adding to the guest photos approx. 200 photos till I finish then start on photos of the show.
Miss South Sudan Beauty Show
A special thanks to the Sponsors of the show who made it all possible!
You can thank them for their support by supporting their business!
Mary Kay cosmetics.
BIG3RE entertainment.
Grey Aviary.
The Happy African Variety Store.
Surur African Store.
Challenge Travel & Migration Services.
If you like, you can copy any you want from this page for your personal use.
Just left click on the photo you like, & it should open in another page. Where you can right click & save it!
(REMINDER: All these photos are copyrighted by the photographer!
They must not be used for any commercial purpose without the consent of the Photographer)
(For prints: Simply click on the photo of your choice, it will open in your browser window & you can save it to your computer or USB drive. Take it to your photo place and they will print it!)
Chief of Security
The Security Team
Emily from
Challenge Travel who donated a holiday to Queensland for the "WINNER"
Thanks to our local Police for their support!
" when at the view cart please enter the code STHSUDAN to redeem 10% off
total garment purchase. This voucher expires on 30/06/2012 and is only valid for
one redemption"
TimiAlaere Official sponsors Miss South Sudan Australia 2012